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Sculpey Spring Tic Tac Toe Board Game

Sculpey Spring Tic Tac Toe Board Game

Designed by Emma Rose
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Create a bright fun game to play with your favorite child or adult? The handmade game also makes a great gift. It is a great project to create with your child. TIME TO COMPLETION: 1 hour
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Westcott Tools:

  • Silicone Tool Set
  • Carbon Carving Tool Set
  • Hobby Knife
  • Stamp Set
  • Kids Silicone Mat
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Project Instructions

Step 1

Getting Started:

Please make sure your work area is covered and you are not working on an unprotected surface. We recommend working on the Sculpey® Oven-Safe Work Mat, wax paper, metal baking sheet, or disposable foil. Uncured clay may damage unprotected furniture or finished surfaces. Be sure to cover your crafting area appropriately.

Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together. Wash hands after use.

Baking (also called Curing):

Begin by preheating oven to 275 °F (130 °C). After you are done creating; for best
results bake/cure clay on an oven-proof surface such metal, aluminum foil, an
index card or the Sculpey® Clay Mat at 275°F (130 °C) for 30 minutes per
1/4" (6 mm) thickness according to package directions. Oven safe glass or
ceramic surfaces are also acceptable for baking/curing; however please note
that the baking/curing times may take longer as the glass or ceramic surfaces
take longer to heat up. For best baking results, use an oven thermometer. DO

Step 2

First, mix less than 1/8 of Original Sculpey White, the remaining half of Premo Pearl, and 1/4 of Souffle Cherry Pie, making a custom pink pearl color. Next, mix less
than 1/8 of Original Sculpey White with 1/2 of Premo Pearl. This will create a
custom bright white pearl.

Step 3

Run both the custom white and pink pearl separately through the conditioning machine on setting 1. If you don’t have a machine, roll each color of clay with a rolling pin to make a sheet a little less than a 1/4 inch thick.

Step 4

Select the flower stamp from the Westcott stamp kit and stamp the white sheet of clay with a repeated flower pattern. 

Step 5

With the pink sheet of clay, take the curved carving tool from the Westcott Carving Tool Set to create a wavy pattern. Feel free to be creative and don’t worry about

Step 6

With a 1-inch square cutter, cut 4 squares from the white flower sheet and 5 squares
from the pink wavy sheet. With a complete set of 9 squares, arrange them into
the pattern shown in the photo below.

Step 7

Take each square and press the pattern together. You may use Clear liquid Sculpey to help keep the squares together. Following the baking instructions according to the package, bake the board for at least 30 minutes. (Helpful hint! It helps to assemble the game board on a flat baking tray. This way it doesn’t lose its shape when you move it to the oven.)

NOTE: While the board is baking/cooling, you can skip to Step 10 to begin making the board playing pieces.

Step 8

Allow the board to cool before this step! Pour a small amount of Metallic Gold Liquid
Sculpey in the silicone baking cup. With the tool provided with the kit, paint
the Gold Liquid Sculpey into the flowers on the white squares as shown in the

Step 9

Carefully wipe away the excess Gold Liquid Sculpey with a paper towel. Bake the board again for 15 minutes. After it’s baked, you have now completed the board for
the tic tac toe game!

Step 10

Roll out 5, 1/4-inch-wide balls with the remaining custom white pearl color to start
making a flower.

Step 11

Shape each ball into a tear drop shape and arrange into a flower.

Step 12

Carefully press a line down the center of each petal of the flower with the detail silicone tool from Westcott.

Step 13

Make a 1/4-inch-wide ball with Premo Gold for the center of the flower. After placing it firmly in the center of the flower, take the silicone detail tool and dot a pattern on the gold center. Repeat steps 10 through 13 to create a total of 4 white flowers for
the game

Step 14

To create the ladybug playing pieces, mix the remaining Souffle Cherry Pie, about 3/4, with a 1/4 of Premo 18k Gold to make a glittery red color. Cut a piece from the custom color to make a 1/2-inch-wide ball.

Step 15

Shape the ball into an oval shape. With the detail silicone tool, gently press a line
down the center of the shape. Press the top of the oval against a flat surface
to create a smooth flat surface.

Step 16

Take a pinch of Souffle Poppy Seed and roll it into a 1/4-inch-wide ball for the
ladybug’s head. Press this shape onto the flat surface of the ladybug’s body.
With tiny pieces of souffle white, make two small dot size balls for the eyes.
Add a smaller piece of black souffle for the pupils.

Step 17

Finally, roll out 6 small balls of black souffle for dots. Arrange and press them onto
the back of the ladybug as shown in the photo. Repeat steps 14 through 17 until
you have 4 ladybugs.

Step 18

Bake/cure both the flowers and the ladybugs on a flat baking sheet following the
directions in Step 1 above.  Allow to cool thoroughly.

The tic tac toe game is finally complete! You now have a unique game set to play with friends and family without wasting paper!