Sculpey III Pastel Floral Silkscreened Salt and Pepper Shakers
Sculpey III Pastel Floral Silkscreened Salt and Pepper Shakers
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The combination of these Sculpey III colors with the Sculpey floral silkscreen create a bright and cheerful accent for your table. What a great guest gift for a friend or for yourself!
• Medium blue acrylic craft paint
• Glass salt and pepper shakers that are washed and dried completely.

Project Instructions
- Getting Started:
Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together. Wash hands after use.
- Baking:
Sheet out the conditioned Lemonade clay on the middle setting on the clay conditioning machine. The sheet should be large enough to accommodate the largest pattern silkscreen. Place the silkscreen with the shiny side down on the sheet of clay. Squeeze a couple of lines of the blue paint onto the screen. Use the scraper to gently and quickly spread the paint across the entire screen. Immediately remove the screen and wash it under running water to remove all the paint. I prefer to dry my screens between paper towels. I place the screen between a folded paper towel on my knee and rub my hands across the towel. Immediately remove the screen from the towel and let it dry completely before repeating this step with the Sky Blue clay.

Once the paint has dried completely on the sheet of clay, you can trim to the screened area of the clay and begin wrapping it around the salt and pepper shaker. Press the top of the clay gently around the curve of the top, leaving room to add the finishing extruded piece of clay. Trim the edge to fit by cutting it at an angle as shown. Trim the bottom of the clay to the glass.

Extrude a short piece of the Lemonade clay using the half circle die and wrap around the top edge. If you don’t have an extruder, just roll a snake of clay and use that around the top edge, trimming it to fit. (NOTE: An angle cut of both edges will give you a smooth overlapped seam).
Repeat these steps for the second shaker and bake both shakers according to the directions in Step 1. No finish glaze is required! Just fill and use. If you need to wash these, just hand wash them in warm water.