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Sculpey III® Mushroom Ring Dish

Sculpey III® Mushroom Ring Dish

Designed by Amy Koranek
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Irresistible items like this clever mushroom ring dish may actually help “clear the clutter” on your vanity. Or why not make one (or two!) for a friend or family member? COMPLETION TIME: 60 Minutes to make and bake
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  • Toothpick
  • Wire cutters or heavy scissors
  • 2-3/4” Circle cutter
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Project Instructions

Step 1

Getting Started:

Please make sure your work area is covered and you are not working on an unprotected surface. We recommend working on the Sculpey® Oven-Safe Work Mat, wax paper, metal baking sheet, or disposable foil. Uncured clay may damage unprotected furniture or finished surfaces. Be sure to cover your crafting area appropriately.

Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together. Wash hands after use.

Baking (also called Curing):

Begin by preheating oven to 275 °F (130 °C). After you are done creating; for best results bake/cure clay on an oven-proof surface such metal, aluminum foil, an index card or the Sculpey® Clay Mat at 275°F (130 °C) for 15 minutes per 1/4" (6
mm) thickness according to package directions. Oven safe glass or ceramic
surfaces are also acceptable for baking/curing; however please note that the
baking/curing times may take longer as the glass or ceramic surfaces take
longer to heat up. For best baking results, use an oven thermometer. DO NOT USE

Step 2

The White clay will be divided like this for use in this project-

1/8 bar for the mushroom stem; 1/2 bar for the circle base; and, 3/8 bar for the rim.

From 1/8 bar White, make an elongated cone.

Step 3

Use wire cutters or heavy scissors to cut a toothpick down to a size that will go all the way through the stem but not more than an 1/8” on either end.

Step 4

Insert the toothpick all the way through the stem to give support to the stem. Re-shape the stem as needed. Set the stem aside for now.

Step 5

Make a thick White disk from 1/2 bar.

Step 6

Flatten the disk with the Roller until it is large enough to be cut with the 2-3/4” cutter. Set the scraps aside.

Step 7

Use the remaining scraps and 3/8 remaining bar of White to create a thick rope that is just long enough to wrap around the 2-3/4” circle. The circle will make the base and the rope will form the rim.

Step 8

Flatten the White rope just slightly with the Roller, then wrap it around the outside of the circle.

Step 9

Trim the ends with a Clay Blade.

Step 10

Push the rim tightly to the base. Smooth the seam with fingertips.

Step 11

Run the 6 mm Ball Tool around the inside seam between the base and the rim to smooth them.

Step 12

Form a tiny rope from scraps trimmed in Step 9 that will be long enough to line the inside of the rim.

Step 13

Place the rope inside the rim at the seam.

Step 14

Flatten the tiny rope into place with the 6 mm Ball Tool.

Step 15

Smooth the seam again with the 6 mm Ball Tool.

Step 16

Smooth the inner rim with the 12 mm Ball Tool.

Step 17

Make a shallow divot in the center of the dish with the 12 mm
Ball Tool.

Step 18

Stand the mushroom stem up in the divot. The little bit of toothpick that protrudes from the bottom of the stem should be hidden in the

Step 19

There should be a bit of toothpick also protruding from the top of the stem.

Step 20

Use 1/4 bar Arctic Blue to make a cone shaped mushroom cap.

Step 21

Impress a divot into the bottom of the cap with the 12 mm Ball

Step 22

You can leave the cap on the tool while you shape it with your fingers.

Step 23

Remove the cap from the tool and place it over the toothpick at the top of the stem.

Step 24

Make a flower at the top with six little rice shaped petals of Navy Pearl.

Step 25

Decorate the sides of the cap with more little Navy Pearl flowers.

Step 26

Add tiny balls of Jewelry Gold to the center of each flower.

Step 27

Bake following the baking instructions for Sculpey III®. Allow to cool completely before filling with treasures.