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Sculpey Soufflé™ Iced Sugar Cookie Box

Sculpey Soufflé™ Iced Sugar Cookie Box

Designed by Amy Koranek
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Astonish your family and friends with this clever little box that will look perfect in just about any room! TIME TO COMPLETION: 90 Minutes to make and bake
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  • 2” Circle cutter
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Project Instructions

Step 1

Getting Started:

Please make sure your work area is covered and you are not working on an unprotected surface. We recommend working on the Sculpey® Oven Safe Work Mat, wax paper, metal baking sheet, or disposable foil. Uncured clay may damage unprotected furniture or finished surfaces. Be sure to cover your crafting area appropriately.

Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together.  Wash hands
after use.

Baking (also called curing):

Begin by preheating oven to 275 °F (130 °C). After you are done creating; for best results bake clay on an oven-proof surface such as metal, aluminum foil, an index card or the Sculpey® Oven Safe Work Mat at 275°F (130 °C) for 30 minutes per ¼" (6 mm) of thickness according to package directions. Oven safe glass or ceramic
surfaces are also acceptable for baking; however please note that the baking
times may take longer as the glass or ceramic surfaces take longer to heat up. For

Step 2

First mix together 1/2 bar Latte with 1/2 bar Ivory to make the sugar cookie dough color.

Roll a piece of the sugar cookie dough to cut out one 2” circle 1/8” thick. Set this disc aside for now.

Step 3

Form all the remaining sugar cookie dough into a thick rope that will just wrap around the outside of the 2” circle cutter.

Step 4

Cut the ends of the rope at matching angles as shown.

Step 5

Press the seam together.

Step 6

Smooth with your fingertips to erase the seam.

Push the bottom of the cookie to the work surface to create a slightly tapered edge around the outside of the dough.

Step 7

Carefully flip the cookie over with the flat side up toward you.

Compare the size of the disc that we cut out in Step 2. Stretch it just slightly with your fingertips to make it a little bigger than the hole in the cookie.

Step 8

Carefully flip the cookie back over and very gently remove the cutter.

Smooth the flat disc to the bottom (flat side) of the cookie covering the hole.

Step 9

Flip the cookie back over right side up with the hole facing upward and smooth anything that is needed with fingertips.

Step 10

We will use 1/2 bar of French Pink to create the icing lid.

Use just enough French Pink to cut out a 2” circle 1/8” thick (right). Use all the remaining French Pink (from the 1/2 bar) to create a domed shape that is complementary to the size of the cookie and larger than the French Pink disc.

Step 11

Squirt a bead of Oven Bake Clay Adhesive (OBCA) on the small disk.

Step 12

Spread the OBCA with fingertips to make a smooth layer.

Step 13

Press the disc to the bottom of the flat side of the icing.

Step 14

Turn the icing top back over with the domed side up.

Decorate the top of the frosting with bits of the bright colors listed above to look like sprinkles.

Step 15

Before baking, very carefully test the icing to the base to make sure no adjustments need to be made. You can bake both the bottom and the lid together on the same tray but do not bake them touching each other.

Bake following the baking instructions for Sculpey Soufflé. Allow to cool completely before reuniting lid and base.