Souffle Extruded Twisted Bracelets
Souffle Extruded Twisted Bracelets
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Twisted your wrist lately? These bracelets are so fun and easy to make. Make them, wear them, stack them on your wrists!
NOTE: I mixed a little of the Souffle Guava with Souffle Canary about 2:1 to create the bright warm orange color.
Designed by syndee holt
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Extruder with 7 dot die (looks like a flower made with dots); metal cord ends (large diamenter); instant glue; bracelet clasp (these can be hard to find, so I just "strapped" the ends of the Jade/Igloo/Cinnamon one with small strips of Premo Accents Bronze

Project Instructions
- Getting Started:
Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together. Wash hands after use.
- Baking:
Roll the Guava and Orange mixes into logs, but into about 2-1/2 inches long and cut down the center of each one.

Stack with alternating colors as shown. Roll to create a log that will fit into your extruder.

Extrude the clay! I made two extrusions. Yumm, I’m craving sherbet now!

Gather the ends on one side and check to see how the metal cord end fits – adding or removing strands. Hold the group of cords vertically and gently twist the cords. Trim the ends and gently fit around your wrist for proper sizing before fitting the cord ends in place.

Place on your baking tray and curve into shape. Bake as directed above. After baking and cooling, remove the cord end and glue into place. Add the bracelet clasp hardware and wear!

I had another idea for blending the colors, so I added a third color (Igloo) at both ends and the center of the logs as shown.

Shape to the extruder diameter and extrude. Twist and trim the edges before shaping into an oval. Aren’t the colors nice? I even fitted it around my wrist to make sure that it wasn’t too big or too small.

Roll out a small piece of the Premo Accents Bronze (or use one of the Souffle colors of the bracelet) on a medium thin setting on the clay conditioning machine. Trim into thin strips and wrap around the each end of the bracelet near the edges (but not right at the edges). NOTE: I textured my Bronze strips with a piece of sandpaper.

Shape on your baking tray (I use box flaps) and bake according to the directions above in Step 1.