7 tips for creating earrings from Sculpey clay!

- How to make polymer clay earrings?
- Select the right clay for your clay earring project. Sculpey Premo, Sculpey Souffle, and Liquid Sculpey can all be good options
- Shape the clay into your desired earring shape using cutters or jewelry design templates
- Add holes in the earrings before or after baking
- Bake the clay according to the package instructions in your home oven
- Finish your earrings by adding posts
- What’s the best clay to use?
- Sculpey Premo: Strong, flexible and includes special finishes like Granite, Glitters and Metallics
- Sculpey Souffle: Lightweight with a suede-like finish
- Liquid Sculpey: Lightweight and flexible once baked
- How to bake clay for jewelry:
- Sculpey clay is safe to bake in your home oven!
- Always preheat your oven before baking
- Always use an oven thermometer to check the temperature – many ovens are off by a few degrees
- How to avoid flat spots on beads while baking:
- Bake your beads on the Sculpey Bead Baking Rack
- Use quilting batting as a base to bake them on
- Accordion fold an index card and place your beads on top
- Want to create consistently sized beads?
- Use a small cutter (like from these circle shaped cutter pack) to portion clay pieces for the same amount each time
- What’s the best way to add holes to jewelry?
- Before Baking: Use a needle tool (like the pointed end of the Sculpey Etch and Pearl) or a toothpick
- After Baking: Drill holes with a hand drill or Dremel tool
- Getting the perfect shape for your jewelry pieces:
- Use Sculpey cutters or the Sculpey Jewelry Design Templates for consistent jewelry shapes and sizes!
- Finishing your polymer clay earrings:
- Earring posts can be added before baking using Oven-Bake Clay Adhesive or after baking using Super Glue.
- Always insert eye pins before baking
- Always open jump rings front-to-back (do not pry the end pieces outward from each other, or else the ring may snap)
With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to creating your next favorite pair of earrings and more!