The top row of the large photo contains the 3 colors that I’m mixing with the featured color on the far right. The bottom 3 colors are the colors mixes created by mixing the color directly above with equal portions (1:1) of the featured color.
I’m mixing with the Sculpey Premo™ Greens this week and got a shocker right out of the gate! LOOK at that Forest Green/Ice Blue Pearl 1:1 mix! It is a gorgeous teal green/blue!
The Spanish Olive and Wasabi mixes are not as big a surprise, but they are some of my most favorite greens that I’ve mixed – they would look killer with black, grey or even white clays.
Share your favorite Sculpey mixes with us by using the hashtag #HowDoYouSculpey and don’t forget to mention which clay you are using (#Premo or #Souffle) xoxo, syn